
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Show and Tell from the October 2020 Meeting

 As usual, a stunning display of quilted items were shared on Monday evening. Before I show them to you, I want to share pictures of the beautiful door prize that was donated to us. It is from an online shop called Blushed Creations that is based in Wellsboro. You can see their items and support a local business at Etsy, Instagram, and Facebook. Many thanks to them for the donation. It is a wooden plaque with a star design on it. You will see then in many colors by following the Facebook link.

First Joyce showed us some of the placemats that she created using fabrics that she purchased in Alaska. They were all lovely.

Nancy had also made some placemats. The colors on them were so rich. She talked to us about a technique of folding an assembly of strips that put the squares on point for the final product. I hope she will share the pattern name or link with us.

Brenda contributed some placemats as well. We all really like the table runner she had made which we felt were pretty on both sides.

Jan was up next and showed us some striking alter cloths that she made for Pentecost. They are breathtaking.

Jolene treated us to a wonderful quilt made with a jelly roll. I was amazed by how pretty it is.

Betty added to the placemat collection and showed us two quilts. The first was made from fruit and vegetable print fabric that she has been collecting. He daughter challenged her to think outside the box so she made a "Stars, Not Jars" quilt with them. It is backed with a print of berries. I wonder if sleeping under it would make you want a midnight snack. Hmm? The second quilt she brought was another that was based on a jelly roll. The creativity is amazing. She told us the pattern maker was a local woman.

Gretta Maria rounded out the placemat donations with these lovely, quilt-as-you-go pieces.

I wrapped things up by showing several tops and partially tied quilts that were found in my grandmother's attic. We don't know who the maker was. I am going to have to do more research.

There may be a meeting next month on the 14th to introduce the new officers. Please let me know of any changes that need to be made to this blog. I am honored to be doing it. You can reach me by email at nikki.1wilson@frontier.com.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

We have a winner!

 The members of the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild are so appreciative to everyone who supported this year's quilt raffle. 

We are excited to announce that Joy C. is the winner!


Ellen presenting the quilt to Joy

Mr. Lovejoy representing the Tioga Masonic Lodge drew the lucky ticket.

A close up view of the lovely quilt.

Stay tuned to this blog for exciting news about our next raffle quilt. 😀

Sunday, October 11, 2020

MLQG October 2020 Meeting

 This month's MLQG meeting will be held on Monday, October 19th at 7:00 PM at the Masonic Lodge located at 9 Meadow Street in Tioga, PA.

The drawing for our 2020 raffle quilt will be held that evening, so be sure to bring in all money, sold ticket stubs, and unsold tickets.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

MLQG 2020 Fall Retreat Photos

 A group of MLQG members spent some time in late September at a fun retreat at Linck Hill Inn in Nauvoo, PA. Take a look at some of the activities...

(click on photos for a larger view)