Friday, June 28, 2019

MLQG Open Sewing at the Gmeiner -- Monday, July 1st

Come and enjoy the AC at the Gmeiner!

Next Open Sewing Session
 Monday, July 1st at the Gmeiner 10:00 - 2:00

All MLQG members of all ability levels and interests are welcome to attend the open sewing sessions at the Gmeiner Art and Cultural Center (where the monthly guild meetings are held) on the first Monday of each month, 10:00 - 2:00, to work on any stitching projects, hand or machine, even knitting, crocheting, or embroidery.

The purpose of these get-togethers is to spend time with other MLQG fiber fanatics and to learn from each other, no matter what we're all working on. Bring your projects, machine, and lunch. Stay for an hour or stay all day. Just be warned that if only a couple of people show up, we may pack up early and leave before noon. Cancellations will be posted on the guild's blog/website/Facebook page.

If you need more info, contact Susan McC., Anya T., or Peggi Y., or use the "contact us" form on the right side of this blog.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Kansas Troubles Fabric Designer Lynne Hagmeier Coming in July

Just a reminder that MLQG will be hosting Lynne Hagmeier, designer of Kansas Troubles fabric, on FRIDAY, July 19th, at 7:00 PM in the Gmeiner Art & Cultural Center. Lynne will be teaching a workshop on Saturday, July 20th. The workshop is currently full, but if you'd like to be placed on the waiting list, please contact Tess McC. (her contact info can be found on the guild's roster and newsletter), or use the "contact us" form on the right side of this blog.

Some of our local quilt shops carry Kansas Troubles fabric, so be sure to check them out. Links to the stores' websites can be found by clicking here or by clicking the "Quilt Shows/Quilt Shops" tab at the top of this blog. Stop in to the shops or give them a call.

Friday, June 21, 2019

MLQG June 2019 Meeting Program -- The Witch's Stitches

At this month's guild meeting, we welcomed Laurie from The Witch's Stitches (located in Big Flats, NY). She showed us what's new in the shop and discussed upcoming classes, as well as told us about the Janome sewing machines they sell and service. For more info about the shop, click here for their website or here for their Facebook page.

Thanks also to Lee P. for coming and sharpening scissors for our members.

(click on photos to enlarge)

Laurie explaining the wedge ruler and book

table runner using 60-degree ruler
60-degree ruler can be used for a table topper, too

Panel with original design, found only at The Witch's Stitches

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Raffle Quilt Progress

Several MLQG members (Tess McC., Susan McC., Peggi Y., Dawn P., Carol B., Sylvia S., Deb P., and Anya T.) spent an evening working on the guild's 2020 raffle quilt. This time, they worked on the design of the applique portion of the quilt. Bias stems were sewn, and dimensional hexie flowers were made.

We can still use some volunteers to help with the hand applique once all the pieces are ready. Contact raffle quilt chair Tess McC. if you have some time to work on it, even just a little. You can find her contact info on the guild's roster and the monthly newsletter.

Take a look at the progress...

(click on photos to enlarge)

Great group of MLQG volunteers!

Planning the applique

Working on applique placement

Things are moving along well

sewing bias bars for the stems

making hexie flowers

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Show-and-Tell Photos -- MLQG June 2019 Meeting

Once again, we had a great show-and-tell segment at our meeting this month.

(click on photos to enlarge)

Ann K. with her quilt from the Pat Pauly class

Eileen D.

Anya T. with a Stone Soup outreach quilt quilted by a non-quilter friend

Dawn P.

Dawn P. loves Dresdens
Cindy B.

Cindy B.

Sylvia L. with a Stone Soup outreach quilt

Sylvia L. with a Stone Soup outreach quilt

Sylvia L. and Susan McC. with several Stone Soup outreach quilts

Tammy T.

The back of Brenda G.'s quilt (she was too fast for a photo of the front)

Deb D.'s quilt inspired by an art-quilt demo by Louise H. last fall

Tess McC. quilted Donna P.'s quilt -- great teamwork

Sylvia S. with her quilt from Pat Pauly's class

Sylvia S. with an outreach quilt

The back of Sylvia S.'s quilt

Barb A. with a wallhanging requested by her daughter

Joyce W.

Joyce W.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

One More Thing About MLQG's June Meeting

No photo description available.

In addition to all the other things on the schedule for our June 17th guild meeting, Lee Parks will be there sharpening scissors during the meeting ($5/pair). A sharp pair of scissors are a quilter's best friend, so don't forget to bring yours to be sharpened by Lee!

Fabrics Needed for MLQG Raffle Quilt

We need some pink fabrics for the flowers and green fabrics for the leaves, please. They should be large enough for leaves and at least 6" square for the flowers. Not quite solids, but fabrics that read as solids (no other colors or wild prints on them). We could also use a half-yard to yard of dark green for the vines. If you cannot make it to the work bee on June 19th, please bring your fabric to the June 17th guild meeting and give them to Tess McC.

For details on the work bee, click here.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Raffle Quilt Work Bee Reminder

For Quilting Group Clipart

Just a reminder that MLQG will have a raffle quilt work bee on the evening of Wednesday, June 19th, 6-9 PM at the Gmeiner Art & Cultural Center.

Click here to read the details.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

MLQG June Meeting

The June meeting of the MLQG will be held on Monday, June 17th at 7:00 PM at the Gmeiner Art & Cultural Center in Wellsboro, PA.

After the business meeting and the show-and-tell segment, our friends from The Witch's Stitches will show us the latest goodies and ideas from their store. Come prepared to see what's new and to do some fun shopping!

For more info on The Witch's Stitches store, check out their website or Facebook page.
Image may contain: plant, tree, house, flower and outdoor

Saturday, June 8, 2019

One-Block Wonder Workshop, 6/8/2019

The One-Block Wonder Workshop was lots of fun, as everyone learned how to cut their fabric up into little triangles, then sew it back together again.  I know... we’re all a little crazy, right?  😉. We didn’t have time to complete the whole project, but learned all the steps necessary to finish it up at home.  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s quilt as they get them completed.
