Workshops | Retreats | Trips

Check this page frequently for updates on upcoming guild-sponsored workshops, retreats, and trips.

 IMPORTANT:  Please review the full reservation/cancellation policy statement at the very bottom of this page, below any posts about upcoming events. 


If you've never been to a guild retreat, you are missing one of the joys of being in a guild. The variety of experiences at a retreat is amazing! You can get 10 opinions about your block layout, a private consultation about paper piecing or appliqué, be cheered for finishing a project, go shopping, sew until 2 AM or start at 6 AM, never have to cook or clean, and really get to know 30 of your sister quilters. Try it. You'll like it!

MLQG Retreats are held every spring and fall at the Linck Hill Inn, Nauvoo, PA.  Linck Hill Inn is a beautifully restored nineteenth century mansion and offers guests beautiful accommodations accented by turn-of-the-century antique furnishings. The Linck Hill Inn has an excellent sewing room, elegant dining rooms, sitting rooms, a game room, snack area, and numerous sitting and conversation areas. The perfect country setting to spend a few days leisurely stitching with your friends.

Spring Retreat 2025
Linck Hill Inn, Nauvoo, PA

Monday March 24 - Thursday March 27, 2025

Arrive 9am or after on Monday- if you will be very late, please let someone know so we don't worry about you.

Check out of rooms on Thursday is 11am. We must be out of the building by 3pm on Thursday.


*Monday, no meals served. You are free to do as you choose for lunch and dinner. Some bring food and some go out.

*Tuesday, something light will be put out early. Brunch will be at 10am, buffet. Dinner will be at 5pm, buffet.

*Wednesday, something light early, buffet brunch 10am, plated dinner 5pm.

*Thursday, something light early, buffet brunch 10am.

If anyone would like to come just for a day, the cost is $10.25 if you choose to sew plus cost of food if you want to eat with us.

If anyone will have a guest come for a meal, the cost varies. Please let me know at sign-ups so I can give you a price for the meal and make sure the kitchen knows.

COST - $300 single occupancy, $266 multiple occupancy 

Retreat is always a blast and a way to get to know each other better. I'm looking forward to the time we spend together.

If you have any questions, contact Jenn Deitzler

Fall Retreat 2025
Linck Hill Inn, Nauvoo, PA




Bargello Flag Wall Hanging Workshop
Monday, April 14th, 2025

Bargello Flag Wall Hanging Workshop will be held on April 14 in Westfield at the First Baptist Church at 122 Church Street, Westfield. Payment of $20 may be given to Janice or Ellen Moon at the March meeting or at PATCH on Friday, February 28 or mailed to Janice Hess, 991 Mixtown Rd, Sabinsville, PA 16943. The class will be taught by Lisa Meachum, starting at 9 AM. Lunch of soup and salad bar is included in the fee. Registration needs to be done by April 9th with checks made to MLQG.
Fabric needed for this project:
Cream:     5 Strips 2"x 42"
Reds:       5 Strips 2"x42"
Navy        3 Strips 2' x 42"
Background:   2 Strips 6' x 42
Borders: Inner ¼ yard
      Outer ½ yard
Please bring your sewing machine along with general sewing supplies. An iron and ironing board will be available or bring your own.

MLQG Class and Trip Reservation Policy

Purpose: This policy is intended to clarify the rights and responsibilities of members who reserve a place in a Guild sponsored class, retreat, or trip for which there is a fee. Such fees are based on the cost to the Guild for the event and are contingent on the number of participants.

For instance, a class fee would be computed by dividing the teacher’s fee by the maximum number of participants. A retreat fee would be based on sleeping accommodations requested in the contract with the host site. A bus trip fee might be $40 each for 40 participants but go to $50 each with only 25 participants. In each case, the Guild must cover the full cost with the fees paid by participating members rather than out of the general fund. Event planners are encouraged to set fees at a level that slightly exceeds costs in order to cover unforeseen issues.

Procedural steps:
  1.   When a trip or class with a fee is announced to the membership, members are invited to reserve a place for this event. This is done by signing a list passed at a meeting, filling out a registration form, or calling the appropriate event chair. A wait list is also started when the event list is filled.
  2.   The fee required for the event is noted at the registration time. Time frame for payment of required fees is stated at this time. This will include a deposit of 50% of the total cost. Final payment will be due at least one week before the event. Some events may require full payment as much as one month ahead. Fees may be scheduled to be paid in segments with separate due dates.
  3.   It is each member’s responsibility to pay the required fee by the stated date. If a member does not pay the required fee by the stated time, she will be notified by the event chair, her participation in the event will be cancelled, and her name removed from the list.
  4.   If a member cancels prior to the final payment date, any deposit paid for the event may be returned to the member. The next person on the wait list is then invited to participate and must pay for the event prior to the final payment date.
  5.   If a member needs to cancel her participation after the final payment date, she must contact the event chair. If a person can be found to take her place and the new person’s fee is received, the event chair may authorize the treasurer to refund the cancelling member’s paid fees. If there is no waiting list for the event, or if no one can be located to fill the available slot, the member’s fees will not be refunded. At this time, the Guild has committed Guild funds to support the event at the participation level planned. To refund fees after the final due date would cause the whole Guild membership to pay for a member whose plans changed.
  6.   In the event that this policy causes a hardship to the member whose fees are not returned, the member may appeal the decision, in writing, to the Guild Board of Directors, which will consider the matter at its next meeting. The decision of the Board will be final.

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