Saturday, November 30, 2013
And The Total Rises To 70!
Shown in the photo are 19 quilts and fleece blankets that were delivered to CONCERN last week. That brings our total of quilts/blankets donated to foster kids to
70 since we started this project last January! This is an ongoing guild project as children,
unfortunately, are always going into foster care, so please continue to support
the kids with your quilts and blankets. More information about quilts for
CONCERN can be found on the guild’s website under the Community Projects tab.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Placemats for Meals on Wheels...WOW!
WOW! Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild members are AMAZING! It's just been two short months since the placemats for Meals on Wheels project was announced and we have already met and surpassed our goal! Thank you all for your diligence and hard work on this project. Everyone who donated placemats has been entered into a special drawing (one entry for each placemat). The drawing will take place at the guild's Christmas party on December 16th, so don't miss it!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Volunteers Needed To Sell Raffle Tickets During Dickens
The 2014 MLQG Raffle Quilt: “Laurel Baskets” is finished!! Volunteers are needed to sell tickets on Saturday, December 7th at Dickens Festival in Wellsboro.
Tracy at Needles Quilt Shop has graciously given MLQG permission to sell tickets for our gorgeous raffle quilt inside her store on Saturday, December 7th, from 9:00AM to 5:00PM.
Two volunteers are needed to cover for two-hour shifts. The time slots are as follows:
9:00 - 11:00AM; 11:00AM -1:00PM; 1:00 - 3:00PM, and 3:00 - 5:00PM (that is only 8 people).
Please contact Susan Sw. to sign up for a slot. (check your email or guild roster for her contact info).
We are excited to have this opportunity to sell tickets at Dickens and anticipate that it will be a fun and busy day.
Thank you!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
No Charity Quilting This Month
There will be no Charity Quilting at the Lake House this month, so that we can all prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Modern Quilts?
Need a fun project to keep your mind off the cold weather? This winter all guild members are challenged to step out of their comfort
zone and try something new by making a modern quilt for a special
modern quilt show-and-tell as part of the March 2014 meeting. Need a little added incentive? Everyone who brings a modern quilt to the March meeting will be entered in a drawing for a special prize.
What exactly is a modern quilt? Modern quilts are primarily functional and inspired by modern design. Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt. These include, but are not limited to: the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. "Modern traditionalism" or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.
Would you like to see some beautiful examples of modern quilts? Visit the Modern Quilting Gallery at
So what are you waiting for? Get excited, get creative and get sewing. Challenge yourself and go make something great! Contact Anya T. or Susan Mc. with any questions or for more information.
What exactly is a modern quilt? Modern quilts are primarily functional and inspired by modern design. Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt. These include, but are not limited to: the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. "Modern traditionalism" or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.
~ from the Modern Quilt Guild website (
Would you like to see some beautiful examples of modern quilts? Visit the Modern Quilting Gallery at
So what are you waiting for? Get excited, get creative and get sewing. Challenge yourself and go make something great! Contact Anya T. or Susan Mc. with any questions or for more information.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Open Sewing at the Lake House and Happy Hour Sewing in Corning -- Wednesday, Nov 20th
Lake House Open Sewing -- MLQG members gather for open sewing sessions at the lake house (near Hills Creek Lake) on Wednesdays from 10:00 until ?. All guild members of all ability levels and interests are welcome to attend on any Wednesday and may work on any stitching projects that they like, hand or machine, even knitting/crocheting/embroidery. The only exception is the fourth Wednesday of the month, which will continue to be a charity sewing day (charity sewing is on hiatus until January 2014).
The purpose of these get-togethers is to spend time with other fiber fanatics and to learn from each other, no matter what we're all working on. Bring your projects, machine, and lunch. Stay for an hour or stay all day. Just be warned that if only a couple of people show up in the morning, we may close up shop by noon (but that doesn't happen too often).
The next open sewing session at the lake house will be on Wednesday, November 20th. If you need directions to the lake house or want more info, please contact Anya T., Dori S., or Susan McC. (check your roster for contact info or comment on this blog post).
And if you can't come during the day to the lake house, consider going to Happy Hour Sewing in Corning --
Corning Open Sewing -- Bring whatever you’d like to work on – cutting, sewing, embroidery, cross stitch or your knitting! An iron & ironing board are available at the church hall. We like food if you want to bring some or we can order out. Time is from 5:15 – 8:45 pm at the Emanuel Lutheran Church, West William St. Corning, NY. Contact Carrie S. (check your roster for contact info) for more details. The next date for Happy Hour Sewing is Wednesday, November 20th.
The Corning open sewing group has decided to work on some charity projects on the first Wednesday of even-numbered months (working on charity projects is not obligatory that day, just suggested). The upcoming date for happy hour charity sewing is Dec 4th. A couple of ideas for charity projects include little girl dresses for Africa (the church will be sending a shipment in Dec), and/or placemats for Meals on Wheels (any style/any pattern, to be delivered with holiday meals in Dec).
If you plan on attending Happy Hour Sewing, please let Carrie S. or Marcia A. know -- they don't want to open up the church if no one plans to come...(contact info is on your guild roster).
The purpose of these get-togethers is to spend time with other fiber fanatics and to learn from each other, no matter what we're all working on. Bring your projects, machine, and lunch. Stay for an hour or stay all day. Just be warned that if only a couple of people show up in the morning, we may close up shop by noon (but that doesn't happen too often).
The next open sewing session at the lake house will be on Wednesday, November 20th. If you need directions to the lake house or want more info, please contact Anya T., Dori S., or Susan McC. (check your roster for contact info or comment on this blog post).
And if you can't come during the day to the lake house, consider going to Happy Hour Sewing in Corning --
Corning Open Sewing -- Bring whatever you’d like to work on – cutting, sewing, embroidery, cross stitch or your knitting! An iron & ironing board are available at the church hall. We like food if you want to bring some or we can order out. Time is from 5:15 – 8:45 pm at the Emanuel Lutheran Church, West William St. Corning, NY. Contact Carrie S. (check your roster for contact info) for more details. The next date for Happy Hour Sewing is Wednesday, November 20th.
The Corning open sewing group has decided to work on some charity projects on the first Wednesday of even-numbered months (working on charity projects is not obligatory that day, just suggested). The upcoming date for happy hour charity sewing is Dec 4th. A couple of ideas for charity projects include little girl dresses for Africa (the church will be sending a shipment in Dec), and/or placemats for Meals on Wheels (any style/any pattern, to be delivered with holiday meals in Dec).
If you plan on attending Happy Hour Sewing, please let Carrie S. or Marcia A. know -- they don't want to open up the church if no one plans to come...(contact info is on your guild roster).
Friday, November 15, 2013
Placemats for Meals on Wheels
We are off to a great start toward meeting
the placemat goal for Meals on Wheels! We still need about 50 placemats
before the December 16th deadline though, so keep stitching! It only takes
a few minutes to make a placemat and they are great for free motion
quilting practice!
Full details about this project can be found HERE or you can contact Susan M., Outreach Chairperson, for more information.
Full details about this project can be found HERE or you can contact Susan M., Outreach Chairperson, for more information.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Needles Quilt Shop - Sale & Change In Hours
Yup, it's that time of the year...time to think about those Christmas presents
for all your quilting family and friends! When I was talking about Black Friday
with friends they suggested a Gray Wednesday also. Soooo, why not? On
Wednesday 11/27/13 and Friday 11/29/13 everything (excluding sales items) will
be 20% off.
A great stocking stuffer item is the new Galaxy Electric Seam Ripper. Makes having to rip out a whole lot faster and easier (not that any of us make mistakes). It's my new favorite gadget.
Not sure what to get somebody. Bali Bundles and Bali Boxes would make a nice gift. Bali Bundles are 9 fat quarters in coordinating colors. These along with the book Fat Quarter Bags would brighten any ones day (it only takes 6 FQ to make a purse). Bali boxes are 5 half yard cuts in a batik covered box in coordinating colors.
We still have Christmas material if you're looking for a holiday project. A table runner or place mats make a great last minute gift.
Dickens is also coming up on December 7th and will be another fun filled day. Make sure to stop in and warm up.
As always I can't wait to see you and help with any of your needs!
Needles Quilt Shop
Please note that until further notice Needles Quilt Shop will no longer be open late on the evenings of the guild meeting. Regular store hours continue to be Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p m.
A great stocking stuffer item is the new Galaxy Electric Seam Ripper. Makes having to rip out a whole lot faster and easier (not that any of us make mistakes). It's my new favorite gadget.
Not sure what to get somebody. Bali Bundles and Bali Boxes would make a nice gift. Bali Bundles are 9 fat quarters in coordinating colors. These along with the book Fat Quarter Bags would brighten any ones day (it only takes 6 FQ to make a purse). Bali boxes are 5 half yard cuts in a batik covered box in coordinating colors.
We still have Christmas material if you're looking for a holiday project. A table runner or place mats make a great last minute gift.
Dickens is also coming up on December 7th and will be another fun filled day. Make sure to stop in and warm up.
As always I can't wait to see you and help with any of your needs!
Needles Quilt Shop
Please note that until further notice Needles Quilt Shop will no longer be open late on the evenings of the guild meeting. Regular store hours continue to be Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p m.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Open Sewing at the Lake House -- Wed, Nov 13th
Lake House Open Sewing -- MLQG members gather for open sewing sessions at the lake house (near Hills Creek Lake) on Wednesdays from 10:00 until ?. All guild members of all ability levels and interests are welcome to attend on any Wednesday and may work on any stitching projects that they like, hand or machine, even knitting/crocheting/embroidery. The only exception is the fourth Wednesday of the month, which will continue to be a charity sewing day (charity sewing is on temporary hiatus until Jan 2014).
The purpose of these get-togethers is to spend time with other fiber fanatics and to learn from each other, no matter what we're all working on. Bring your projects, machine, and lunch. Stay for an hour or stay all day. Just be warned that if only a couple of people show up in the morning, we may close up shop by noon (but that doesn't happen too often).
The next open sewing session at the lake house will be on Wednesday, November 13th. If you need directions to the lake house or want more info, please contact Anya T., Dori S., Peggi Y., or Susan McC. (check your roster for contact info or comment on this blog post).
Hope to see you there!
The purpose of these get-togethers is to spend time with other fiber fanatics and to learn from each other, no matter what we're all working on. Bring your projects, machine, and lunch. Stay for an hour or stay all day. Just be warned that if only a couple of people show up in the morning, we may close up shop by noon (but that doesn't happen too often).
The next open sewing session at the lake house will be on Wednesday, November 13th. If you need directions to the lake house or want more info, please contact Anya T., Dori S., Peggi Y., or Susan McC. (check your roster for contact info or comment on this blog post).
Hope to see you there!
Friday, November 8, 2013
You’re invited!
It’s that time of year! The Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild
invites you to the annual holiday party at the Tokishi Building* on Monday,
December 16, at 6:00 PM.
Bring your favorite holiday dish to pass and your own table service. Beverages will be provided.
The gift exchange this year will be a “Make, Bake, Sew, or Grow” exchange. If you wish to participate, bring a wrapped handmade gift ($10.00 or less limit). Gifts need not be quilting related, but should be something made by you that comes from your heart. Gift ideas to consider might be, hand knit or crocheted items, homemade bread or cookies, mini quilts or mug rugs, homemade jams or jellies, or any combination of handmade items.
We hope to see you all there! We’re sure to have SEW much fun!
For more information contact Sylvia S., President or Pat L., Hospitality Chairperson. (Contact information can be found in the guild's roster or newsletter.)
*The Tokishi Building is located at 124 NYPUM Drive, which is just East of Wellsboro, off of U.S. Route 6, before you get to the “Truck Lite” plant parking lot. Continue up NYPUM Drive to the red brick building.
Bring your favorite holiday dish to pass and your own table service. Beverages will be provided.
The gift exchange this year will be a “Make, Bake, Sew, or Grow” exchange. If you wish to participate, bring a wrapped handmade gift ($10.00 or less limit). Gifts need not be quilting related, but should be something made by you that comes from your heart. Gift ideas to consider might be, hand knit or crocheted items, homemade bread or cookies, mini quilts or mug rugs, homemade jams or jellies, or any combination of handmade items.
We hope to see you all there! We’re sure to have SEW much fun!
For more information contact Sylvia S., President or Pat L., Hospitality Chairperson. (Contact information can be found in the guild's roster or newsletter.)
*The Tokishi Building is located at 124 NYPUM Drive, which is just East of Wellsboro, off of U.S. Route 6, before you get to the “Truck Lite” plant parking lot. Continue up NYPUM Drive to the red brick building.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
2014 Challenge Quilt Theme/Requirements
2014 Challenge Quilt Theme/Requirements
Earth, wind, fire and water are the building blocks of this year’s challenge! Make a quilt representing one, all, or any combination of the four elements. All members are encouraged to participate, no matter what their quilting experience. Use your imagination and try something new, whether you use a traditional pattern or design your own elemental quilt.
Quilts must have three layers, be either machine or hand quilted, and have a binding.
Entries must be less than 36" at widest/longest point. This includes embellishments that may be hanging off the edge of the quilt.
Quilts should have a hanging sleeve or another appropriate method for display.
Entries must have a label with the name of the maker and title of the quilt sewn securely to the back of the quilt.
Don’t forget the most important element of all...FUN! Enjoy the process of creating your entry!
The above information can also be found on the guild's webpage under the "Exhibit" tab for future reference.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Open Sewing at the Lake House and Happy Hour Sewing in Corning -- Wednesday, November 6th
Lake House Open Sewing -- MLQG members gather for open sewing sessions at the lake house (near Hills Creek Lake) on Wednesdays from 10:00 until ?. All guild members of all ability levels and interests are welcome to attend on any Wednesday and may work on any stitching projects that they like, hand or machine, even knitting/crocheting/embroidery. The only exception is the fourth Wednesday of the month, which will continue to be a charity sewing day (charity sewing is on hiatus until January 2014).
The purpose of these get-togethers is to spend time with other fiber fanatics and to learn from each other, no matter what we're all working on. Bring your projects, machine, and lunch. Stay for an hour or stay all day. Just be warned that if only a couple of people show up in the morning, we may close up shop by noon (but that doesn't happen too often).
The next open sewing session at the lake house will be on Wednesday, November 6th. If you need directions to the lake house or want more info, please contact Anya T., Dori S., or Susan McC. (check your roster for contact info or comment on this blog post).
And if you can't come during the day to the lake house, consider going to Happy Hour Sewing in Corning --
Corning Open Sewing -- Bring whatever you’d like to work on – cutting, sewing, embroidery, cross stitch or your knitting! An iron & ironing board are available at the church hall. We like food if you want to bring some or we can order out. Time is from 5:15 – 8:45 pm at the Emanuel Lutheran Church, West William St. Corning, NY. Contact Carrie S. (check your roster for contact info) for more details. The next date for Happy Hour Sewing is Wednesday, November 6th.
The Corning open sewing group has decided to work on some charity projects on the first Wednesday of even-numbered months (working on charity projects is not obligatory that day, just suggested). The upcoming date for happy hour charity sewing is Dec 4th. A couple of ideas for charity projects include little girl dresses for Africa (the church will be sending a shipment in Dec), and/or placemats for Meals on Wheels (any style/any pattern, to be delivered with holiday meals in Dec).
The purpose of these get-togethers is to spend time with other fiber fanatics and to learn from each other, no matter what we're all working on. Bring your projects, machine, and lunch. Stay for an hour or stay all day. Just be warned that if only a couple of people show up in the morning, we may close up shop by noon (but that doesn't happen too often).
The next open sewing session at the lake house will be on Wednesday, November 6th. If you need directions to the lake house or want more info, please contact Anya T., Dori S., or Susan McC. (check your roster for contact info or comment on this blog post).
And if you can't come during the day to the lake house, consider going to Happy Hour Sewing in Corning --
Corning Open Sewing -- Bring whatever you’d like to work on – cutting, sewing, embroidery, cross stitch or your knitting! An iron & ironing board are available at the church hall. We like food if you want to bring some or we can order out. Time is from 5:15 – 8:45 pm at the Emanuel Lutheran Church, West William St. Corning, NY. Contact Carrie S. (check your roster for contact info) for more details. The next date for Happy Hour Sewing is Wednesday, November 6th.
The Corning open sewing group has decided to work on some charity projects on the first Wednesday of even-numbered months (working on charity projects is not obligatory that day, just suggested). The upcoming date for happy hour charity sewing is Dec 4th. A couple of ideas for charity projects include little girl dresses for Africa (the church will be sending a shipment in Dec), and/or placemats for Meals on Wheels (any style/any pattern, to be delivered with holiday meals in Dec).
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