What? Mountain
Laurel Quilt Guild Mini-Retreat!
When? February
26, 2022 (Saturday)
Where? First
Presbyterian Church Hall, 130 Main St, Wellsboro, PA 16901
Time? 9:00
a.m.– 3:00 p.m. (Doors open at 8:30 to set
Paper piecing “Shamrock Mug Rug”(Demonstration
with Ellen Moon!)
Cost? $10.00
(includes pizza/water for lunch!) Feel free to bring snacks to share if you
Assorted green/white pieces of fabric (anything of your choosing that would look
in a shamrock design!) And of course… your sewing machine
and personal sewing
belongings needed to sew.
[Small cutting mat, rulers and cutter, small iron, extension
cord, light and anything
else you think you might need!]
There will be “extra”
time in the afternoon to work on other “personal” projects, too!!!
Maybe you have a
mug rug pattern you would like to share!!!
Details? Enjoy a day of sewing with guild
members and learn how to “paper piece” a Shamrock,
too! And, possibly, finish one of your own
projects! Also, lunch and door prizes to round out our day!
We will also have a table set up for “free” stuff! If you
have quilting/sewing books/supplies/fabrics, etc., that you would like to offer
up for free, please bring them to the workshop!
Sign-ups begin now… ASAP.
You can reserve your place by contacting me, Janice Hess, janiceehess@hotmail.com. Payment is due
by February 18th. Full refunds
for cancellations until February 20th.
After that, if there is no wait list, you are responsible for someone to
take your place or forfeit your payment.
Please make checks out to MLQG. There is room for 20 participants! Need 10 people to have the workshop!
Looking forward to having our 1st MLQG
Mini-Retreat in 2022!
Thank you!
Janice Hess
MLQG Local Workshop Chairperson