What a treat is was for us to have Linda Stager come and share tips on how composition in quilting is similar to that in photography. She showed us many ways to make our designs pleasing to the human eye. We had a lot of fun with the manipulatives she gave us for working with figure/ground, rule of thirds, golden ratio, and more. The video she showed at the beginning of her talk was very helpful. You can view it here: Composition in Photography with Ted Forbes We watched only the first 5 minutes or so.
Of course, we had a lot of fun with Show and Tell as well.
Linda Stager began her discussion by showing us the only quilt she has ever worked on. |
Linda is a dynamic speaker and kept us engaged.
Linda took some photos at the meeting, pictured is Nikki opening the meeting with the assembled members.
Joyce's latest charity quilt made from scraps. It is lovely. |
A wonderful example of machine embroidered applique. |
Marge's completed Round Robin quilt. The hand-quilting is beautiful.
Nikki brought in a quilt that was hand-embroidered and hand-quilted by her grandmother, Beatrice Sutliff Ridall from Canton, PA
Members wanted a closer look at the stitching.
Don't forget, next month's meeting will be held on the 2nd Monday of the month, August 14th at 6pm at the Lakeside Pavilion at Ives Run Recreation area. We always have a great time. Please bring your significant other or a prospective member, a dish to share, and your own table service.